Friday, May 21, 2010

It's time to finish my clocks

I had a request from my gorgeous son. He wanted to make a clock and wondered if we could make one together. So in the school holidays we went down to the local scrapbooking store and bought a blank wooden clock kit. After we returned home he went though my scrapbook papers and chose the ones you see incorporated in the clock above. He painted the background, numbers and the gears, I inked all the edges. He cut the papers and stuck them down. I did more inking. 

Yesturday I had some down time so did the last couple of steps, like gluing on the numbers and the gears and assembling the clock motor and hands. When he returned home from school and saw the clock finished he flew into my arms with the greatest hug and kiss, and biggest "Thank you so much, Mummy!" 

It will look great on his wall.

And while things were drying on clock number one I finished the final step for clock number two - putting in a photo:

Ok, so I don't really feel like it's finished. I still want to add some text to it, and I am spending some time thinking it through and planning the where and the how and the what (it will look like). I made this clock for my precious big girl's birthday. She was suitably blown away by it. Big hugs and thanks yous galore. I love the way that we have cultivated gratefulness in our children.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

One of my almost-finished projects

This is a bag known by its pattern as the 'Bow Bag' (for obvious reasons!) that I almost finished a few months ago. Shameful, I know. There are two things that hamper my ability to finish it: one is pure and simple lazyness. the other is a distinct lack of what I need.

Let me explain...

The lazy part is because I need to simply cut a base shape out of template plastic to put into the bag so that it sits nicely and squarely. It you look closely at the bottom of the bag you will note that does not! I have the plastic, all I have to do is cut out the silly shape and put it in. Why don't I do it? Because there are so many other things (that are way more interesting!) that I would rather do with my spare minutes!

The lack is because I simply have not found the right button for the closure. I must find the right button! I must!

So, there. Another thing that is sitting in my shameful ufo pile. Shameful because it is ssssooooooooo big. But a happy pile to look at and explore none-the-less!

Maybe now that I have owned my lazyness I might just find the motivation to finish...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's been a while - a long while

OK, so it's been a while since I last posted anything. It's amazing how times flies when you're having fun. Or blink. Or stop to smell the roses.

That's what my life has been like lately -  A lot of fun, a blink and remembering to smell the roses as I go. I'm getting good at that. You know, remembering to savour the here and now. Cherish the moments. Because I am sure that yesterday I brought my first baby home and today she is bathing, dressing and feeding my youngest baby. Seriously. All it takes is a blink.

Creatively I've been busy, but not really completing anything and certainly not starting anything new! I am trying, really trying, to beat my ufo pile into submission. It's not really working, but I'm having fun with it anyway!

OK, that wasn't the complete truth. I have started (and finished!!!) a couple of extra projects. They were quick, ones, AND they helped my blessings, so I can be excused! I am so blessed! As though they knew what I needed (and what my blessings needed) two different people blessed me with two different pieces of fleece fabric - one covered in fairies and one just plain black. I made a pair of pajama pants for each of my  girls (nice, warm, fleecy ones) out of the fairy fabric and a tracksuit for my boy out of the black. Very simple and basic, but I really enjoyed doing it - I haven't made clothes in ages. I had fun embellishing them too, because I just can't keep them plain. Some decorative stitching and some boyish buttons on the tracksuit, along with a contrasting zipper on the jumper... My gorgeous boy loves them so much that he won't let me wash them - he has them on the end of his bed as I type ready to put on after school tomorrow, just like he did today and yesterday and the day before that, after he wore them half of Sunday and all of Saturday. I think that I may just have to sneak them away, they are really going to stink! Just as well that they are black, I suppose!


Today I worked on some bears that I am selling, and took some photos of a fabric alphabet book that I am making for my blessings - in all honesty, it's for me too :-P

I will see how the photos of the alphabet book turned out and (assuming that they are OK) I will write a post about it later. I might also take some pics of the bears I am working on as they are now, so that I can document the process of them 'coming to life'!

PS - I'm thinking about taking on some study - not what I thought I would be doing with the rest of my year!