Friday, July 22, 2011

related and complimentary colour schemes

ARGH! The pain with the man-made designs continues! At the time we were studying related and complimentary colour schemes, so we were given the task of painting one of our designs (or a part of it) in both a related and comp colour scheme.

OK, so it wasn't that bad! I LOVE painting. I had fun doing it.

I chose one of my whimsical designs and then one of my abstract designs.

This is my related colour scheme - I have to say that it looks better in person! I used pointilism to paint the background - it took me ages!!!! The effect was worth it though. The mounted scales represent the related colour scheme as the complimentary colour scheme, which follows:

When I did the top version, I altered the brown a little to experiment with the effect. My teacher encouraged me to mount both versions in my portfolio. The bottom version includes cyan to compliment the mid orange of my original scheme. I frankly ran out of time to paint it in the pointilism method, so I just painted it. Perhaps I'll go back and redo it using pointilism - but then again, I probably won't!

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